Looking for

We are always looking for some new, good additions to our cattery.

For autumn/ winter 2011 we will be able to expand our cattery with new outdoor-runs and rooms for the Bengals
and then we will be able to buy in some new additions.
If you as a breeder have or expecting kittens that you think that we are looking for,
please let us know.

What we are looking for is:

1-3 brown females with great wild type ,
we prefer small spots , arrows or paw printed pattern.
And / Or
1-2 brown marbled females with great type and fantastic horizontal flow and good contrasts.

We are also looking for a silver spotted male, tarnish-free, clear coated with ink black markings, also as a grown-up.
We prefer a pattern with small spots, arrow or paw prints in a good flow.

For all cats we are looking for:
All cats need to have a good, strong  health , a good temperament and be well socialized.