Past Queens


Nala  |  Rhamnousia  |   Chinook

  Name: Spartacus Rhamnousia
Dam: Kashanti Zena Of Hilton
  Sire: Silverstorm Calm Sensei
  D.o.B: 02.Sept.2010
  Silver marble
 PK-def N/N (Negative)

 This female is the biggest sweetheart
  ever. After her first and only, very hard           birth,
 I decided to neuter her for her

Rhamnousia photo


Name:Spartacus Nala
Dam: Chetilas Dior
Sire: Chetilas Pharo
Born: 29.08.2008 ♀

PK-defiency N/K
 (carrie, not sick)
 PRA Neg.

This is our brown bengalcat,
 a very spesial girl that we are proud to have with us
For more info, she have her own page, click photo >>

Nala spring 2009


Spartacus Chinook Arch Occur

Dam: Kashanti Zena Of Hilton
Sire: Silverstorm Calm Sensei

Ben 24 ns
SBT 051910011
PK-Deficiency N/N negative
Chinook profile